On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:57:26 -0400, Lucretia Borgia
> wrote:
>On Sat, 20 Feb 2021 11:19:53 +1100, Bruce > wrote:
>>On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 19:42:08 -0400, Lucretia Borgia
> wrote:
>>>On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 16:22:04 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>>>>On 2021-02-19 3:54 p.m., Lucretia Borgia wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 14:29:37 -0800, Taxed and Spent
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> On 2/19/2021 2:11 PM, RichD wrote:
>>>>>>> Assuming there a few winos in this group...
>>>>>>> You visit someone you haven't seen in a while,
>>>>>>> and bring a bottle of wine, as a gift, or to share.
>>>>>>> However, you don't know their tastes.
>>>>>>> What to buy? I figure, everyone enjoys bubbly, therefore
>>>>>>> cava or prosecco? (I'm on a sub-champagne budget)
>>>>>>> Or a fruity, simple rose?
>>>>>>> Also, since this is a foodie group - if the bottle is intended
>>>>>>> for immediate enjoyment, I might bring some hors d'oeuvre.
>>>>>>> Suggestions? I'd stop at a deli, and pick up a quart of
>>>>>>> antipasto - or ...?
>>>>>>> Crackers and cheese is so mundane -
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Rich
>>>>>> Why would you assume everybody enjoys bubbly? That is wrong.
>>>>> A nice bottle of Henckel Trocken and slices of smoked salmon.
>>>>I agree!!
>>>>If you don't know their taste in wine, one of the fizzies is safest.
>>>>I always take white wine when I have dinner with my son's family as my
>>>>d-i-l gets serious headaches from red wine.
>>>>Another suggestion is a bottle of Sauternes to have with the sweet
>>>>course - and it will always go with cheese.
>>>Personally I prefer red but the Henckel was recommended to me for my
>>>eldest daughters wedding. He had been Canadian Wine Taster of the
>>>Year and told me after two sips, no telling it from expensive fancy
I still always keep a bottle ready in the 'fridge as a
>>>friend is originally from Prussia where it is made.
>>You're lucky the friend isn't from Sweden. You'd be drinking Swedish
>Why is Swedish wine bad?
It's too cold there for wine. I had Dutch white wine once. It tasted
like an abandoned mouse nest. But apparently they're getting better
due to global warming.
>I make my own red, usually merlot
How do you do that?
>but I
>occasionally buy white wine and always pick local, I'm told it's good.
>There's an Aussie one I buy people really like, has a kangaroo on the
This one?
We only drink Australian. It's cheaper than imported wine.
>If I'm not drinking red wine I tend to drink cider which
>finally has become very popular here in the valley of apples along the
>way. There are all sorts but I like No Boats on Sunday
Sounds nicely boutique