On 2/20/2021 11:42 AM, Graham wrote:
> On 2021-02-20 8:36 a.m., Janet wrote:
>> In article >,
>> says...
>>> Assuming there a few winos in this group...
>>> You visit someone you haven't seen in a while,
>>> and bring a bottle of wine, as a gift, or to share.
>>> However, you don't know their tastes.
>> Â*Â* I only take wine if I'm sure the hosts drink/serve alcohol.
>> Â*Â* If I don't know what sort of alcohol they serve or like, I take one I
>> like.
>> Â*Â*Â*Â*Â* Janet UK
> I never take really good wine to people who won't appreciate it. Did
> that once. Never again.
Someone somewhere in this thread made a point and even the OP mentioned
it: as a gift. Doesn't mean they have to open it or even share. I was
given a "surprise" (it wasn't really) birthday party when I was 22.
Some co-workers arrived and one of them brought me a bottle of wine. I
set it aside, not intending it to be opened and served to everyone. I
walked into the kitchen later and found it had been opened and consumed
by some neighbors I barely knew who lived across the hall (it was an
apartment complex). They basically crashed the party, opened and drank
that gift of wine. I have no idea if it would have been good wine.