The Nym Shifting SCUM does not appear to work either!
On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 17:11:22 -0600, Hank Rogers wrote:
> And that anus talk really got you stirred up, master druce!
> Did you get a good whiff?
Hank, please reply. You're just about the only one left here that cannot
be forged, because you used AIOE from before it got taken over by
I get the impression from what others have posted here that those two had
a kook fight here several years ago.
How did it end? Did they just get bored, or did anyone go to jail or get
locked-up or in a coma or lost their memory or got lost in the bush or
got abducted by aliens or what?
We have to figure a way to put a stop to this before it goes too far.