On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 13:09:18 -0700, Graham > wrote:
>On 2021-02-23 6:05 a.m., Boron Elgar wrote:
>> Although the initial dough was done in the mixer, I used stretch and
>> fold over the course of the first hour of bulk proofing, then I shaped
>> the rolls, allowed them to proof, gave them an eggwash and sprinkled
>> on poppy seeds. Baked at 425F on a stone.
>> https://i.postimg.cc/QdtfPJWY/Kaiser-Rolls-2-22-21.jpg
>So these are knotted rather than stamped. Are the crusts crunchy or on
>the soft side?
Crunchy crust. but not the shattery, super thin kind that one can get
on some sorts of yeasted dinner rolls.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iY2O...a ndCaf%C3%A9
>They look spectacular and tempt me to make a batch for my teenaged
>grandchildren, who have hollow legs.
My kid in Taiwan requested some- alas, a week in a post box and
customs will not make is possible.
>You might be interested in this recipe from a nasty, right wing,
>Canadian newspaper:
I cannot seem to find the actual recipe there. Can you please point
me thru my ineptitude?
I have made sourdough pecan sticky buns before and I wonder if these
are similar- the texture is bolder than an enriched yeast
recipe...they are a bit chewier.