On 2/23/2021 2:57 PM, Bruce wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 14:53:31 -0600, BryanGSimmons
> > wrote:
>> On 2/23/2021 2:03 PM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, February 23, 2021 at 2:48:29 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>>>> That's the projected high today. It's 62 right now. A chicken is about
>>>> to get spatchcocked and put on the grill over hickory wood. A few days
>>>> ago, it was bitterly cold, and I'm not wasting this nice weather.
>>> Nice. It's about 47 right now, which is 10 more than the average. I'm
>>> grilling chicken tonight, too.
>>> Skinless, boneless chicken breasts over propane. They really don't
>>> deserve hickory. Just a quick Tuesday night dinner after a day at
>>> the office.
>> I hate to have to agree, but I too think that skinless, boneless
>> chicken is less deserving.
>> Son informed me that he won't be here for dinner, so no sides
>> other than green salad. Once he moves out (17 days), there are
>> going to be a lot less starches consumed in this here house.
> One wonders how the presence of a son makes one consume more starches.
My son likes starch with meals, mac & cheese, potatoes, etc. That's
considered normal, a "balanced" meal. I try to please those whom I
cook for. I wasn't planning much for this evening, just some cream
cheese dip for potato chips. Cream Cheese, heavy cream, salt, onion
powder and a tiny bit of Worcestershire sauce. Thing is, if it's
there, my wife and I will usually eat it.
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