And after 3 months of Full Time employment...
On 2/24/2021 12:41 PM, E.F. Hutton wrote:
> On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 20:43:03 -0500, Alex wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> On Fri, 19 Feb 2021 11:09:26 -0800 (PST), John Kuthe wrote:
>>>> ...Health Insurance! :-)
>>> But you said you hated those evil, mammon-worshipping insurance
>>> companies and didn't approve of them ... Or was that only when you
>>> were "rich" and didn't want to pay them?
>>> It's funny how you flip-flop like that.
>> He's really not too sure about much.
> His core values are solid ... Jell-O, like his wobbly legs.
> You have to admire his "Just do it! (Or pay somebody to do it" when
> it comes to his "home improvement" projects. No research, no
> priorities, no negotiating, no soliciting suggestions or advice
> (even after he ****s it up).
> The first thing he did was to start dumping all those stocks in
> companies that offended his "core values" and hired a buyers agent
> (lot of good that did, eh?). So I dropped Suze Orzman (that raging
> bitch) an idea for a chronicled case study and possible intervention
> "This guy didn't listen to me!". Then to up the ante (literally), I
> emailed his Evil Chinese Landlord some selected comments of John's
> and told him to double what he paid for it, And even if he didn't
> get the "E.F. Hutton" reference, that's exactly what he did.
> John aboviosuly wouldn't get anything anythign out of a room full of
> E.F Huttons, Suze Ormans, and Tim 'The Toolman' Taylors.
> Now imagine that he's your nurse following your doctor's orders.
> (Now I'm emailing Stephen King....)
> -EFH
Hi Steve.