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Bruce[_29_] Bruce[_29_] is offline
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Default Dinner 2/23/2021

On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 18:17:26 -0600, BryanGSimmons
> wrote:

>On 2/24/2021 4:57 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Feb 2021 16:52:35 -0600, BryanGSimmons
>> > wrote:
>>> On 2/24/2021 8:13 AM, Janet wrote:
>>>> In article >, says...
>>> But it tastes like chickpeas instead of dead animal.

>> It doesn't taste like chickpeas

>That's hard to believe. I've made chickpeas for my wife (who loves
>them), and they smell rather unappetizing to me. They're certainly
>high up there in healthfulness, and if you soak them well, they tend
>to be less farty than other legumes.

The tempeh completely changes and improves the flavour of the
chickpeas. The tempeh fermentation also makes the chickpeas/black
beans etc easier to digest. The bad stuff is taken care of before you
eat it.

>While I know that you feel that I indulge my son's food preferences
>too much

It's none of my business, of course. I was mainly joking.

>, when he moves out I'm going to be making a lot of pureed
>and fried black beans. He prefers black beans whole, but I love them
>cooked for a long time in the pressure cooker with plenty of water.
>I discard the water, and puree them in the blender with fresh water,
>then fry them like pintos refritos. Done that way, they are very
>mild tasting, but they have a quality I can only describe as *rich*,
>more so than other beans.

I love black beans, both pan fried in olive oil and used as the base
for tempeh. Yes, they can be very rich.

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