And after 3 months of Full Time employment...
On Fri, 26 Feb 2021 14:11:38 -0400, Lucretia Borgia wrote:
> I didn't know I had company! Same thing with me, I am said to have said
> something poisonous about her and as I didn't I assume she saw something
> written by a troll, we all know how good she is at checking headers or
> googling etc.
I do not believe Ophelia is prone to malicious machinations. (And I've
never seen such from yourself.)
Pamela has a bad habit of using the web only to search for initial
prejudiced assumptions, rather than performing an objective search to
confirm / deny any ideas she gets from reading something.
And all that aside, even if Ophelia did malign her in the past in another
group, there are multiple posters here who have more recently dissed her
with more vehemence. (For example, myself with this very post.)
I guess she figures Ophelia is easier to pick on.