On 2021-02-26 6:45 p.m., BryanGSimmons wrote:
> On 2/26/2021 12:08 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Tonight I'm going to have pan seared sea scallops.Â* Oh, so sorry I
>> didn't go down to a dock and buy them fresh.Â* Guess what?Â* There
>> aren't any large fresh Atlantic sea scallops down here.Â* The come from
>> much colder Northern waters.
> >
> I've had pan seared sea scallops a few times.Â* They were good,
> but I've hesitated to buy them to cook myself because I've never
> done it, and I've heard there's a small window between underdone
> and overdone.
There is only a short list of things that are easier to cook than pan
seared scallops. Start off with nice big scallops. Rinse off grit and
then dry them with a paper towel. Season with a little salt and pepper.
Heat up a pan. I used a cast iron pan so I can get it really hot. Add
a little oil and butter and when it is heated up you lay the scallops
down on one side. Give them about a minute and a half. Flip one over.
It is is nicely sealed you can flip the others over. If not, wait a bit.
Give them the same time on the other side. That's it. Err on the raw
side. Raw scallops are quite edible and taste better than over cooked.
I did make bay scallops once, and didn't like the
> flavor.Â* They were OK only after I drenched them in lemon juice.
> That makes me think that if I ever try bay scallops again, that
> I should treat them like fish, and coat them with seasoned corn
> meal and deep fry them.
> https://www.walmart.com/grocery/ip/A...unces/16935615
That or something like coquille St. Jacques.