And after 3 months of Full Time employment...
On Sun, 28 Feb 2021 04:24:44 -0000 (UTC), Mike Duffy
> wrote:
>On Sat, 27 Feb 2021 15:41:53 +0000, Pamela wrote:
>> On 05:13 27 Feb 2021, Bruce said:
No, I didn't say the below text.
>> I thought Mike held himself out to be a super-techie but somewhow he
>> can't read plain headers.
>And I thought you had a modicum of common sense, but somehow you cannot
>see sarcasm.
>Anyone should be able to tell it was someone faking John without even
>looking at the headers.
>That's why I asked if he broke his caps lock key and told him his new meds
>seem to make him more intelligible. But that went right over your head.
>And it went over Bruce's head too because his nose was stuck in your ass
>at the time.
Learn to quote, Mike.
The real Bruce posts with Eternal September