Thread: Covid19 shot
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Dave Smith[_1_] Dave Smith[_1_] is offline
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Default Covid19 shot

On 2021-03-09 5:34 p.m., Graham wrote:
> On 2021-03-09 2:51 p.m., Sheldon Martin wrote:
>> Got my shot today, the nurse did such a good job that I felt nothing,
>> or I didn't notice, I was too occupied checking out her massive
>> bosoms.Â* I get to return for a 2nd shot in two weeks, hoping I get her
>> again.

> Got my first Pfizer shot the week before last at a govt. health services
> centre. Pharmacies came on board last week.
> I get the second on April 6. There are a lot of anecdotes that the
> reaction to the second one produces a few nasty symptoms. Hoping that
> that is just idle gossip.

I got the new shingles shot a year or two ago. It hurt like hell. It
was the first vaccination I had ever had that was painful, and it lasted
for a few days. I was dreading the second shot, but when I had the
second one it didn't hurt at all.

As for the Covid19 shot, I might be able to get it in 2-3 weeks. For
some reason, all native adults will get it along with the over 80 crowd.
Now the region is talking about also prioritizing agricultural migrant
workers. Heaven forbid they require them to be vaccinated a couple weeks
before they can come into the country.