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Melba's Jammin'
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In article <zfabd.250849$3l3.198120@attbi_s03>, Julia Altshuler
> wrote:

> When not buying a used car the other day at a dealership, Jim and I had
> negotiated the price, discussed what repairs would be done to the car,
> gone over the car facts printout, and sat down to sign the contract. At
> that point, we learned that we were expected to pay $118 extra to cover
> the dealership's salesman's work in doing the paperwork in turning over
> the title. It sure sounded like a mandatory tip to the cashier for
> ringing up the sale, bagging the merchandise and handing me a receipt.
> That should be part of the price of the product! I realize that's the
> way things are done and everyone pays it. I balked. We're still in the
> market for a used car.

> --Lia

Trying to screw you without a kiss. Good for you, Lia. My car repair
place wanted to charge me for some hazardous waste or material disposal
charge for something once. Maybe $4. I questioned it because whatever
they did didn't require disposal of anything and I didn't figure I
should be charged for it. They didn't charge me.
-Barb, <> Updated 10-09-04; Sam I Am!.
"Peace will come when the power of love overcomes the love of power."
-Jimi Hendrix, and Lt. Joe Corcoran, Retired; St. Paul PD, Homicide Divn.