Julia Altshuler wrote:
> When not buying a used car the other day at a dealership, Jim and I had
> negotiated the price, discussed what repairs would be done to the car,
> gone over the car facts printout, and sat down to sign the contract. At
> that point, we learned that we were expected to pay $118 extra to cover
> the dealership's salesman's work in doing the paperwork in turning over
> the title. It sure sounded like a mandatory tip to the cashier for
> ringing up the sale, bagging the merchandise and handing me a receipt.
> That should be part of the price of the product! I realize that's the
> way things are done and everyone pays it. I balked. We're still in the
> market for a used car.
My neighbour's brother in law is a car salesman and one night after a few
drinks admitted that the "administration fee" is just another way of soaking
more money out of the customer. Around here they generally charge $75
"administration fee" to look after the transaction. I am in the market for
a new car and plan not to get sucked into that. All businesses have
paperwork they have to complete for a sale and I do not plan to pay extra
for that, and I will go to the licence bureau myself to pay the $10 fee for
transferring my plate to the new car.