Thread: Covid19 shot
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Ed Pawlowski[_5_] Ed Pawlowski[_5_] is offline
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Default Covid19 shot

On 3/10/2021 6:08 PM, Bruce wrote:

>> Yes, because what you say is not true. It was tested extensively with
>> good results.

> LOL. Were you expect bad results being announced?

May not be on the news but it would have have been allowed for use. I'm
sure some ideas did not work and were not pursued. Same as any new idea.

>> The technology has actually existed for some time but has
>> just not been used in a mass vaccine like this.

> Exactly. It is untested in vaccines. You buy the bullshit that:
> 1: A year ago they said vaccines are being developed and should be
> available by end of year. This, despite this never being achieved
> before on such a short timeline - ever.
> 2: Testing, normally taking years, been reduced to weeks/months. LOL.
> 3: The mRNA vaccines are STILL essentially new and the ramifications
> are still unknown. No matter what they say. These vaccines have NOT
> undergone proper testing. No matter what you are told. This is
> science, not politics.

What is the proper testing? Details please.

>> If no evidence of efficacy was shown it would not be approved.

> That was a fait accompli a year ago. Vaccines were going to be
> approved and released, no matter what. And they were.

No matter what? Where have they failed?

> You have no idea what you're talking about. Just repeating information
> served to you.

As you are.