"Saerah" > wrote in message
> Gabby wrote in message >...
>>"Terry Pulliam Burd" > wrote in message
. ..
>>> On Tue, 12 Oct 2004 21:07:20 -0400, "Jessica V." >
>>> arranged random neurons, so they looked like this:
>>>>That was the big sign up at Dunkin Donuts this morning. I was shocked.
>>>> The tip cups are gone. It's about time.
>>> Never could figure out why you'd tip someone for performing their job
>>> at what is essentially a fast food joint - this includes Starbucks,
>>> Diedrich's, etc. - yet you wouldn't dream of a tip jar at, say,
>>> McDonald's. Same degree of service, but do you see a tip jar at
>>> McDonald's?
>>They have one at A & W, here. It always ticks me off since the counter
>>people there make about $7/hr.
> yeah, because thats a real cushiony income.
Most, if not all, are kids going to high school and living at home or
working summer jobs while going to university. The few adults that work
there are in supervisory positions and I assume they make more. And since
they are all non-unionized positions I'm sure the owner of the franchise is
free to pay the adults more.