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On 3/13/2021 12:47 PM, cshenk wrote:
> Have you tried Pork Loin? Not the littler Pork Tender Loin but the
> full on (less expensive) cut? We have the butcher cut a whole one to
> 1inch thick 'steaks'. You get between 17 and 22 of them and while I've
> never tried grilling them, I fry-pan them after marinade in soy,
> worstershire, and usually a bit of vinegar and hot-sweet 'chicken
> sauce' (think Mae Ploy for that one but there are many brands).
> I use a cast iron pan and much less time than you, but you may prefer
> pork with no pink or red.
I buy the whole boneless loin at BJs and it is cheap. I cut it to the
1" steaks like you do for a portion, cut a few roasts, cut some very
thin slices for pork piccata.
They are good on the grill. I sometime bread and fry them. When I do
that, I finish them in the oven.