Thread: Into the soup
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BryanGSimmons BryanGSimmons is offline
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Posts: 395
Default Into the soup

Our first night as empty nesters, so I'm making something my son
wouldn't like. It's chicken soup, and here are the veggies going in.
Two poblanos, two carrots, an onion, a stalk of celery and a red bell
There are three chicken breasts in the Power Quick Pot. One will be
saved for my wife for next week lunches, and the other two will be cut
up for the soup. There's about a half a quart of aseptic packaged
chicken stock in the fridge, and I'll also throw in some broken jasmine

OK, everything is in the pot but the chicken for another 30 minutes.
Then, I'll quick release the steam, add the chopped chicken, and however
much water, and give it another 2 minutes on pressure. There's plenty
to take over to my in-laws tomorrow.

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