Home Canning
On 3/13/2021 10:45 PM, Michael Trew wrote:
> Does anyone still can food in ball jars?Â* I'm thinking about planting a
> lot of tomatoes this year and canning some.Â* I never have before, but
> there's a first time for everything I reckon.
We still have some tomatoes from last year down in the cellar - and I
have 24 tomato plants started for this year . Got jelly and jams and
pickles and peaches down there too ! Most from home grown or picked wild
on our land . Tomatoes freeze well too , just rinse off , freeze loose
on a cookie sheet then bag in gallon ziplocks . To use , just hold under
hot water for a few seconds and slip the skin off . I'll be using some
of our preserved tomatoes tomorrow for a big batch of spaghetti sauce .
In 1775, the British demanded we give them our guns.
We shot them