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Michael Trew Michael Trew is offline
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Posts: 286
Default Mid century kitchen restoration

On 3/14/2021 8:59 PM, wrote:
> On Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 7:00:27 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>> I'm sure some of you have tile walls in your kitchen. What would
>> motivate a person to paint over ceramic tile? In my son's new house,
>> he was originally intending to totally redo the kitchen, but he's
>> since reconsidered, and instead is opting to restore it to original,
>> except for the window. Instead of replacing the cabinets that have
>> layers of paint, I'm stripping them to bare wood, and repainting them
>> white. I'm also stripping the paint off of the original tile. That
>> blue is painted over a nice, deep burgundy tile.

> That's awful looking.
>> Here's what's underneath. The tile at the rear is only half stripped.

> MUCH better. That will provide a nice accent color. But I wouldn't be so happy
> with the tile countertop. The grout lines with be a harbinger of bacteria.
>> Of course, the vinyl asbestos floor tile has to go, but white ceramic
>> will maintain the old fashioned look. He even wants to replace the
>> modern induction range with the 1950s-'60s gas range we pulled out of
>> our rental property, which worked fine.

> When you say the vinyl asbestos floor tile will have to go, can you elaborate?
> Professionally removed so as to not stir up asbestos particles?

The asbestos killer is long-term exposure. You won't get lung cancer
from a kitchen remodel. That being said, I'm not advocating pulling it
as a DIY project, but I surely have done it. My concern would be in
other household asbestos, mainly the white asbestos what's wrapped
around many furnace ducts, or at least the wrapped around the joints
where sheet metal from the ducts goes together. When the asbestos is
friable in these areas, and can be blown slowing into the home over a
course of decades; that's the real lung cancer hazard.