We, from the Blossoming Lotus Restaurant, in Hawaii, are presenting our
award winning lifestyle book, Vegan World Fusion Cuisine, combining ancient
wisdom with modern healthy eating recipes, in our college campaign. This
program is starting on your campus, in the next 2 weeks, and we'd like to
know how we can arrange for your bookstore to carry our book.
Please visit this site, and let us know how you handle new book
Thank you from paradise,
Patrick Michaels
Recipes for a Peaceful Planet
"Chad Michael Mallett" > wrote in message
> My friend is a Manager at Burger King and she noticed a new sign that says
> the Veggie Burgers are not vegan or vegetarian. And she showed me the
> ingredients. It has "natural flavoring" and other stuff in it. So it makes
> you wonder. She said they used to be vegan, but they changed them.
> -chad-
> "usual suspect" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Rubystars wrote:
> > >>I know the buns aren't vegan, but when did BK change the recipe for
> > >>patty? Their website says it isn't vegan. "Note: This is NOT a VEGAN
> > >>product."
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>Looks like the flavorings are to blame they don't inform if they're
> > >>vegetarian.
> > >
> > >
> > > Assume it was cooked on the same grill as the meat patties. Therefore,
> no.
> >
> > If one is willing enough to sacrifice phony ethical principles to eat a
> Veggie
> > Whopper, one should also be willing to accept that the little bit of
> grease from
> > their broiler is as insignificant as the dairy in their bun or egg in
> mayo.
> > Regardless, BK employees will happily heat the Veggie Whopper patty in a
> > microwave if asked. Have it your way.
> >