Thread: Into the soup
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Bruce[_29_] Bruce[_29_] is offline
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Default Into the soup

On Mon, 15 Mar 2021 16:30:06 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:

>On 2021-03-15 2:24 p.m., Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> Biggest problem with plastics is people.Â* Too many people are slobs.
>> Properly used and handled there should be little waste, nothing floating
>> in the oceans. Most can be recycled or used as a fuel to generate
>> electricity. Most plastics contain 18,000 Btu per pound.

>The single biggest cause of litter around here is plastic water bottles.
>Personally I have little use for bottled water and can't figure out why
>people insist on buying those small bottles instead of drinking tap
>water. Out local tap water is excellent. The least they could do would
>be to dispose of them into a proper receptacle instead of throwing them
>onto the shoulder of the road or into a ditch.
>I take water with me when I am kayaking, bicycling or out on the
>motorcycle, and sometimes when I am travelling in the car, but I fill up
>re-usable bottles at home.

Sounds like it's time for a letter to the local newspaper.

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