On 3/15/2021 6:52 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/15/2021 7:18 PM, Snag wrote:
>> On 3/15/2021 9:07 AM, Taxed and Spent wrote:
>>> On 3/15/2021 6:20 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>>> On Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 11:51:00 PM UTC-5,
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> On Sunday, March 14, 2021 at 9:39:12 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>>>>>> I kid you NOT! The whole ****ing D: drive, an archive drive I kept
>>>>>> safe from WinXP! Gone!
>>>>>> Now I have to take my XP machine up to my fave Computer Shop to
>>>>>> see if they can find it!
>>>>>> I have the weirdest computer problems! :-(
>>>>>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
>>>>> I don't understand why you are taking your old computer to the
>>>>> repair shop.
>>>>> You're a computer engineer, why aren't you jumping in there and
>>>>> fixing this
>>>>> problem?????????? Use that 'degree' you crow about all the time!!!
>>>> My local Computer Shop has some good restore tools and they can
>>>> probably find my lost D: drive. It has a ton of old archive pics on
>>>> it. Stuff of my house's restore, etc. Old pics, and I want them BACK!
>>>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
>>> You mean you don't keep one or more backups, offline and powered
>>> down? What a goofball.
>> Â*Â* I have most everything that's important saved on all 5 active comps
>> here . Music , photos , software , tax returns , it's all saved on 3
>> desktop and 2 laptop computers
> (snippage)
>> Â*Â* Kuthe is nothing but a whiny little bitch attention whore , I don't
>> understand why anyone even responds to his BS .
> For the same reason you just did.Â* Personally, I see no reason to have 3
> desktop and 2 laptop computers.Â* Sounds like overkill to me. <shrug>
I have my desktop , my wife uses a laptop and I have a laptop for
when we're traveling . There is a desktop hooked to the TV for a media
source and the one hooked to my stereo as an audio source is also used
to process g-code for my 3D printer . My laptop is also used sometimes
out in the shop , it has a lot of metal working resources and reference
material stored on it .
> Kuthe is stuck in an alternate universe where no one has moved past XP.
> Â*The folks at that computer shop will charge him an arm and a leg to
> find the "missing" drive (partition) and he'll gladly pay it.Â* I'll bet
> he's never heard of resetting the System Restore Point.Â* Probably never
> backs up anything at all.
> Jill
In 1775, the British demanded we give them our guns.
We shot them