Thread: Into the soup
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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Into the soup

On 3/15/2021 2:24 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 3/15/2021 1:22 PM, Michael Trew wrote:

>> I hate plastic, and avoid it at all costs. The only time I cheat with
>> plastic is for freezing things. I buy and store in glass whenever I
>> can, including glass Heinz ketchup bottles.

> Biggest problem with plastics is people. Too many people are slobs.
> Properly used and handled there should be little waste, nothing floating
> in the oceans. Most can be recycled or used as a fuel to generate
> electricity. Most plastics contain 18,000 Btu per pound.

All the plastics in the oceans are way beyond normal for individual
people to be causing the problem.

I've always suspected the trash disposal industry and they should be

We used to send much of our trash to China for disposal. That's
container ships full of trash sailing to China. Depending on how the
payments were handled, it leaves a good opportunity for the shipping
companies to dump a lot of that trash at sea.

My theory is that the container ships get paid enough for transportation
AND paying China a portion of that money to pay for disposal.

They could dump many containers at sea, then have to pay less to China
and pocket the illegal extra money. Any food trash will be eaten by the
sea critters, all the metal trash will sink to the bottom, leaving all
the plastic products that float and end up on shores.

They could even use those empty containers to transport other goods from
point to point if they stopped along the way.

That's my theory and I'm sticking to it. Beach goers and private boaters
aren't causing all this plastic in the ocean problem.