Thread: Into the soup
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songbird songbird is offline
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Default Into the soup

Gary wrote:
> I agree but keep in mind, Songbird can taste plastic for some reason.
> Many of my frozen foods are saved in plastic containers with lids. They
> last and last.

if i take the ground garlic drenched with lemon juice and put
it into plastic of any kind when i remove that from the freezer
to use those containers will smell of garlic even after being
washed and soaked with bleach water.

using small glass canning jars, once they are washed once
i can't smell garlic at all.

smell and taste are very interlinked.

i use pint jars for the strawberries i freeze and they come
out perfect as long as the strawberries are not fermenting. i
did a batch one season where the berries were starting to
ferment and i hoped that the temperature of the freezer would
stop the ferment. it didn't. when i started using them up
the lids would pop off from so much pressure when i took the
rings off. didn't taste good so i fed those to the worms.

if you don't overfill glass jars they won't break. it's
not risky when you know what you're doing.
