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John Kuthe[_10_] John Kuthe[_10_] is offline
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Posts: 989
Default I'm making (assembling) another VSTD using Broccoli and sliced carrots...

On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 08:01:49 +1100, Bruce > wrote:

>On Tue, 16 Mar 2021 16:57:23 -0400, Dave Smith
> wrote:
>>On 2021-03-16 3:13 p.m., John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Wed, 17 Mar 2021 06:07:39 +1100, Bruce > wrote:
>>>>> Yes, but he does it in a way that he thinks is brilliant and amusing, so
>>>>> it is okay for him.
>>>> Strange how people who have me killfiled are the biggest experts on my
>>>> posts
>>> Strange for you, since you're just a piece of shit. Obvious to anyone
>>> else that he kill filed you BECAUSE of your posts.

>>It's pretty frustrating for him to be taking pot shots are people and
>>realizing he is not hitting anyone because they are not reading or not
>>responding. Despite being filtered I was still see a lot of his sniping

>That's good to know. It's not sniping, by the way. Just little
>comments to help you improve your behaviour.
>>because outer people were replying and quoting it, but not so much
>>anymore because so few people are bothering with him.

>This is "Dave Smith" getting chummy with the worst troll of RFC. I
>thought "Dave Smith" hated trolls so much. Oh, the double standards,
>oh, the hypocrisy

Nothing you say changes the fact that you are the longest surviving
and most persistent troll to inhabit RFC. You get what you deserve.
It's as simple as that.

John Kuthe, Superior to you...