I'm making (assembling) another VSTD using Broccoli and sliced carrots...
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I'm making (assembling) another VSTD using Broccoli and sliced carrots...
On 3/16/2021 7:10 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 3/16/2021 6:55 PM,
>> On Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 5:48:04 PM UTC-5,
>> wrote:
>>> On 3/16/2021 3:04 PM, wrote:
>>>> On Tuesday, March 16, 2021 at 7:17:29 AM UTC-5, Gary wrote:
>>>>> I troll the bullies. Pay backs for their
>>>>> meanness and they don't like it one bit. lol
>>>> You're just as much a bully as anyone here. Just because you finish
>>>> with an "lol" or a smiley or winkie or "I was only joking" does not let
>>>> you off the hook.
>>> He's passive-aggressive. Bullies? This isn't grade-school. Don't need
>>> Mommy to call the Principal.
>>> Jill
>> Or Gary patrolling/trolling the groups "paying them back." I must
>> have missed
>> that election of Gary to such a 'distinguished' office.
> I don't know why he thinks his snarky remarks are somehow dissimilar to
> what he accuses the "bullies" of doing. Payback for what, posting that
> we think someone is stupid? In the case of Kuthe, his food is boring as
> hell and even Gary said he wouldn't want to eat garlic potatoes more
> than a couple of times a year. Yet he criticizes us for having the same
> opinion. Oooh, we're not allowed to do that! We're bullies! He's
> two-faced.
> Jill
Two miserable old biddies having fun here, focus turned from John and
Julie to Gary this time. Both get offended when they are picked on, but
it's ok to pick on others. lol
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