Mid century kitchen restoration
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 1:20:17 PM UTC-4, Sheldon wrote:
>> Obviously whoever installed your hardwood flooring was very
>> inexperienced... should have noticed the movement and laid down 5/8"
>> plywood before installing the hardwood.
> My hardwood floors were installed in 1947 when the house was built.
> The subfloor is 1x6" tongue and groove cedar, everywhere but the bathroom.
> I already said the builder was a crap carpenter.
>>> We're perpetually looking at remodeling the kitchen, and our first
>>> choice for flooring is sheet vinyl. No seams, and flexible enough
>>> to follow the movement of the subfloor.
>>> Cindy Hamilton
>> Flexible vinyl doesn't seem like a good idea, after some flexing it
>> will crack... thick plywood first, then the new floor... and add some
>> lolly collums in the basement to better support that floor.
> The furnace is below the kitchen. No room for lally columns. But thanks
> for the suggestion.
> Cindy Hamilton
I thought you were going to say the RO water filter is in the way.