OT Blocknews
On 3/18/2021 1:03 PM, Graham wrote:
> On 2021-03-17 11:42 p.m., Michael Trew wrote:
>> On 3/17/2021 1:31 PM, Graham wrote:
>>> Downloading posts from Blocknews has often been slow for a few days. Has
>>> anyone else experienced this?
>>> Sometimes, a couple of posts download quickly then the next is slow.
>>> Strange.
>> Normally when I post it uploads immediately. I use Eternal September.
>> Tonight, as of my first post a half hour ago, they still haven't shown
>> up yet... This is new. Not sure if this post is eventually going to
>> show up either. I've tested multiple newsgroups. Might have to
>> switch to a paid service at this rate.
> When I used to use Eternal September, I occasionally experienced the
> same delay as you.
> Everything is back to normal for Blocknews this morning, it seems.
Mine is back up now as well.