I got my JOB BACK! :-)
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> Mike Duffy wrote:
>> On Fri, 19 Mar 2021 13:22:16 +0000, Janet wrote:
>>> Next week : Kuthe explains the special professional training he
>>> undertook to tie his own shoelaces.
>> You'd be surprised how many adults do not properly tie their laces.
>> I was a Cub Scout leader for a few years, and since everyone in a hike
>> has to stop when someone's laces came loose, showing them how to do it
>> properly before the first hike saved everyone a lot of time.
>> (Tied so that repetitive strains tighten .vs loosen the half-hitch)
> I just double-bow mine.
I used to do that for long hikes. First bow was pulled tight. The second
bow was pulled snug but not tight.