On 2021-03-20 6:37 p.m., US Janet wrote:
> On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 16:11:10 -0400, jmcquown >
> wrote:
>>> In the context of fish sauce above, I believe it is the bottled stuff
>>> that is added to other typical ingredients to make a sauce used by the
>>> Vietnamese for fish.
>>> Janet US
>> In the context I doubt there is much difference between Vietnamese fish
>> sauce and Thai fish sauce or any other SE Asian fish sauce. I don't
>> know about specific brands but I would suggest you read ingredients
>> labels and see which has a bunch of added crap and what seems to be
>> actual fish sauce. And yes, fish sauce should be used very sparingly.
>> I remember the smell of naam plaa in cooking when we lived in Thailand.
>> Not always a pleasant scent, especially not with fish.
>> Jill
> LOL! Sissy 
Oh Pshaw. I like dishes with fish sauce and use it myself if a couple
different curries. I tend to use it sparingly because I have
accidentally put too much in a dish, and I have had dishes in
restaurants where they had used too much. It's not the Emeril Lagasse
style where some is good so more is better. I often find myself putting
in as much fish sauce as I think I can handle and then pad it out with
soy sauce.