On Sat, 20 Mar 2021 16:15:42 -0700 (PDT), dsi1
> wrote:
>On Saturday, March 20, 2021 at 9:52:40 AM UTC-10, US Janet wrote:
>> The attached recipe from dsi
>> https://meatwave.com/recipes/grilled...t-heo-nuong-xa
>> calls for"Vietnamese fish sauce". I asked if there was much
>> difference between Vietnamese fish sauce and a different one.
>> I was contemplating making the recipe but only had one fish sauce
>> commonly available in my area. With much effort I could probably find
>> Vietnamese fish sauce.
>> In the context of fish sauce above, I believe it is the bottled stuff
>> that is added to other typical ingredients to make a sauce used by the
>> Vietnamese for fish.
>> Janet US
>I wouldn't worry about it. Just use what you got. If you're Vietnamese or Thai, you might notice a difference or care about the brand. The rest of us just use what we got. Most of the stuff out there is made from small fishes. My guess is that the premium fish sauce will be made from shrimp or squid and other shell fish but I've never seen that sold over here.
>There seems to be two basic fish sauce sold in the US. One is just plain old fish sauce and another cheap and low-quality one made with fish extract. Get a non-extract sauce it you want to be picky.
It doesn't matter. They all make you sick anyway, right?
The real Bruce posts with Eternal September