On 2021-03-21 4:16 p.m., dsi1 wrote:
> On Sunday, March 21, 2021 at 5:36:59 AM UTC-10, Mike Duffy wrote:
>> And now I will never buy any car without all-wheel drive, but that
>> is another story I will save for the next time Bruce accuses Dave
>> of being too informative.
> You can't get cars with manual transmissions because there's not
> enough people buying them. I suppose more people could be made to buy
> them by having them pay a premium for automatics - like in the old
> days. We were offered a 6 speed car for free and it was okay. In the
> end I didn't want it because I don't trust anybody around here to
> park it in gear and use the parking brake - including me. What I'd
> like to get is an old Mazda Miata. Of course that would have to have
> a 5 speed. I'm not interested in an automatic Miata but the point is
> moot - my wife is scared to death of that car. That's the brakes.
I don't think I would buy a new car with a manual transmission. The
resale value of them is a lot lower than automatics. I got my wife's
Matrix pretty cheap because it has a manual, and my son's Toyota was
also surprisingly cheap because it was manual. So... if you buy one who
will lose money when you get rid of it. If you are looking for a second
hand car you save by buying one.