On Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:45:01 -0400, jmcquown >
>On 3/21/2021 11:30 AM, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> When Superstorm Sandy hit, we lost power for a week, and that was a
>> big surprise. We'd never lost power for more than a few hours or a
>> day, at most, before.
>> Our lovebirds had just become parents of three hatchling (not even
>> decent feathers yet) and the temp in the house dropped quite a bit
>> each night, as the heat was out, but we did have hot water. Each
>> evening I'd fill small hot water bottles and screw-top jars and put
>> them against the insides of the cage. Then I'd wrap the cage in a
>> thick bath towel overnight to keep in as much heat as possible.
>How sweet! I don't think I ever knew you had lovebirds. How did they
>all fare?
The lovebirds were fine and once the babies they were past hand
feeding, I gave them to a local pet store that I knew was very good
with birds. Five lovebirds, especially including a pair that bred so
easily, would have been a bit much.
A few years ago, Mrs Lovebird died of unknown causes and Mr. Lovebird
has been alone in his cage since. Lovebirds can be, shall we say- a
bit feisty, and I did not want to subject a new bird of either sex
into an established cage. With a matched pair, it becomes evident
quickly why they are called lovebirds. The pair were named Pyramus and
Thisbe. It was Thisbe we lost.
I got my first pair of lovebirds many, many years ago and they lived a
good long life. When they were gone, I missed the color and chatter
and got the pair that bred the babies. They are smart birds, will
interact with humans, easily respond to greetings and are pretty, too.
I have two parakeets, also- both males - who are so very skittish that
just changing the food container puts them in a tizzy. First keets I
have had. I used to always have budgies, and they were calmer, but
they are very hard to find these days, so the keets will do.
I love the bird burbles all day. They all respond to each other, to TV
or music, and to the birdsong from outside.