Thread: Hmmmmmm.....
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Sheldon Martin[_4_] Sheldon Martin[_4_] is offline
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Default Hmmmmmm.....

On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 08:29:34 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>On 3/22/2021 7:28 PM, cshenk wrote:
>> Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>> On Mon, 22 Mar 2021 10:55:35 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>> Sheldon Martin wrote:
>>>>> The 2nd meter is from the rental house that we had
>>>>> demolished but retained the electric servic for our two barns and
>>>>> outdoor lighting.
>>>> Need some pics, Sheldon.
>>>> You keep mentioning 2 barns. In all my years here, I only remember
>>>> seeing one barn. That small one where the cats live and has the
>>>> diesel tank next to it. I've seen that one many times.
>>>> I'd like to see the other barn.
>>> I see you've taken up boozing again. You've seen both, I've posted
>>> many pictures of each, even pictures of the electrician backhoing the
>>> trench and running the wiring from one to the other. Feral cats live
>>> in both barns. Gary, you need to lay off that rotgut.

>> No, you haven't Sheldon and no one is going to bother to redownload
>> that last 10 years of RFC to find them. You got a polite request that
>> he would like to see the other barn. In your own words: 'if you can't
>> post a picture, it doesn't exist'.

>Well, I might have missed the other barn but I've seen many pics of the
>one barn (with the fuel tank next to it).
>That's not even a real barn in farmville. Looks more like a large
>storage shed. Like a separate one-tractor garage with cats.
>Where is the other "barn" that he lets his neighbor store hay in?

That was originally built as a hay barn but there's an area in it for
two horses. That hay barn is fairly large and three stories tall so a
lot of bales can be stacked.

>Quit being elusive, Sheldon. Just send 2 pics. One of each "barn" that
>you have.

Why would I send you email, you never replied to those I sent you long

I'm not being elusive, I've posted those pictures many times but I
recently explained that I don't store pictures in files by titles,
only by date. Would take me a while to find those pictures. If I
happen to run across them I may post them. And I already explained
that the small barn was originally a detached garage for the rental
house that I had demolished, I saved the garage and it's now mostly
used as a gardening shed, with an attached shed that I converted to a
small machine shop. I recently explained that I had a ventless gas
heater installed and again posted pictures of the shop and the heater.
Actually I stopped posting pictures about a year ago because no one
ever comments on them, so why bother... I'm sure if I posted pictures
of my two barns you will act as if you've never seen them, which
you've already done several times. I'm sure you don't care about my
barns and will once again not see them.
When you first arrived at RFC I tried to be friendly but you ignored
me. I'm sure you are still the same crank who won't post your picture
at the Mug Shots... I really don't consider you a member of RFC, and
certainly not one to be trusted, not with all your mean spirited just
joking derogatory comments/assaults... just joking with no appology
doesn't suffice, and displays how nasty you truly are.