New non-stick pans
On 3/24/2021 10:56 AM, bruce bowser wrote:
> On Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 9:01:06 AM UTC-4, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> On Wednesday, March 24, 2021 at 8:39:14 AM UTC-4, Gary wrote:
>>> Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> Our house is 71 F year-round. Perhaps you need to have your furnace serviced.
>>> Perhaps you should open your windows and get fresh air once in awhile?
>> We do, when the weather is right. Not too cold, not too hot, not too humid,
>> and nobody in the neighborhood burning anything. Yesterday they did
>> a controlled burn in the nearby park and we had to keep our windows shut
>> even though it was a very nice day.
>>> Note: As I go inside and out often, it's the difference that determines
>>> my house settings.
>>> I would be too hot with 71F during the winter and I would freeze to
>>> death in the summer months at 71F.
>> Everybody's different. Although why 71 F would be too hot in the winter
>> _and_ too cold in the summer makes not a bit of sense to me.
> Unless maybe there's a health problem of some type.
Most people are comfortable in the 70(21C) degree range. It get hot
here in summer and I'm comfortable at 77 during the day, 73 when I go to
In winter I turn on heat if it drops below 68
Also depends on what you are used to. The locals are comfy working
outdoors at 95 when I hide inside by the AC. They bundle up at 45 in
winter and I will put on a light jacket but still wear shorts.