I got my Leaf back!
Bruce wrote:
> On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 23:19:03 -0400, Michael Trew >
> wrote:
>> On 3/23/2021 9:37 PM, GM wrote:
>>> On Tuesday, March 23, 2021 at 7:08:26 PM UTC-5, wrote:
>>>> :-)
>>>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
>>> The tires are worth more than that piece of crap Leaf...
>>> WHOOSH goes what remains of your money...!!!
>> $1k tires? Ouch... y'all must like expensive stuff. I'm driving a 1989
>> Olds Cutlass Ciera that I paid $500 for. Also a 1993 Geo Metro that
>> cost $600. Drive 'em until they fall apart, sell, and back to
>> craigslist. No leases or car notes for me! I should note that we don't
>> have inspections or emissions in my locality.
> Ah, a fly-over state. And even as you fly over it, you can smell the
> stink of the cars.
But that's not why you fly over it, right master?