Posted to
On Wed, 24 Mar 2021 13:53:21 -0600, Graham > wrote:
>On 2021-03-24 1:51 p.m., Bruce wrote:
>> On Wed, 24 Mar 2021 13:25:16 -0600, Graham > wrote:
>>> On 2021-03-24 12:02 p.m., Bruce wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 24 Mar 2021 08:45:25 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>>>> On 3/23/2021 8:27 PM, Bruce wrote:
>>>>>> On Tue, 23 Mar 2021 20:54:43 -0300, Lucretia Borgia
>>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>>> In actual fact I think he has done an unenviable job pretty well. He
>>>>>>> is not a dumbo and people who know him, who live near him in Glos,
>>>>>>> generally rate him as a nice person.
>>>>>> Which job? Cheating on his wife?
>>>>> The guy doesn't impress me. The Queen is certainly on borrowed time now
>>>>> and Charles is next in line. Personally, I'd like to see him pass the
>>>>> title on to his eldest son.
>>>>> Not that a Usain opinion matters at all.
>>>> Having seen the Crown: the English monarchy is a ruthless
>>>> organisation. They're German, by the way. It's not really the House of
>>>> Windsor. It's the House of Saksen-Coburg. They changed their name
>>>> because of the war. So even after the Brexit, they're still ruled by
>>>> Germans 
>>> The satirical magazine "Private Eye" once had a cover photo of the Queen
>>> on a state visit to Germany. She was inspecting a guard of honour and
>>> the caption read:
>>> "Hello, Cousin Fritz, Hello, Uncle Hermann, Hello Cousin Wlilhelm........"
>> Lol. Was it the mother of the current queen who actually had a German
>> accent in her English?
>I think her grandmother was a foreigner. But really, I don't give a damn!
A sudden realisation.
The real Bruce posts with -