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dsi1[_2_] dsi1[_2_] is offline
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Default Dinner Tonight 3-25-21

On Friday, March 26, 2021 at 6:58:13 AM UTC-10, Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Fri, 26 Mar 2021 09:52:22 -0600, US Janet >
> wrote:
> >On Fri, 26 Mar 2021 08:17:53 -0400, Boron Elgar
> > wrote:
> >

> >>Still, there is nothing one can do on Zoom to convey the mild
> >>anticipation, almost anxiety, that can arise during a truly compliant
> >>seder when the thing goes on and on, and people get hungrier and
> >>hungrier, and do everything they can to nudge it along more quickly.

> >
> >I just didn't think that would be done -- but why not? Everything is
> >virtual today.
> >Janet US

> I think it is a great tech advancement if used correctly (every tech
> innovation has its dark side, I suppose), and to the greatest benefit.
> Having sat through hundreds and hundreds of in person meetings during
> my business years, I think virtual wastes less time and is often much
> less intrusive.
> Granted, I am comfy with the meeting programs and not all people are,
> but we need to get everyone set up with decent tech and online access.
> I do feel, though, that what has happened with online school
> instruction has been a disaster for so many kids and teachers. Not a
> tech fault, though. No one knew it was coming, no one had access to
> tested, best practice programs all ready to go, no one knew how to
> find and hold onto kids on the edges or help non-tech savvy educators,
> no one knew how to do any of it and it has shown. There are also lots
> of social aspects to the school day that kids and educators are
> missing out on, but virtual can be very helpful if used in supplement
> or backup. I look forward to reading the books written about it all.
> Time to go make yogurt.

My granddaughter was doing Zoom meeting for her first grade classes. I would sit with her sometimes and it felt awkward but it could have been me that felt disorganized and unprepared - just like I felt in real school. My granddaughter might have felt right at home with the technology. These days, she's back in class.
I do Zoom for my club meetings. It's tough to get the hang of it but I wonder if it's going to change every thing that comes after. The most important user control is that "mute" button. They should make it big and red.