New non-stick pans
On 3/25/2021 6:19 AM, bruce bowser wrote:
> On Thursday, March 25, 2021 at 4:47:24 AM UTC-4, S Viemeister wrote:
>> On 25/03/2021 03:17, Michael Trew wrote:
>>> On 3/24/2021 5:28 AM, Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>>>> And as for your $1 loaf of bread in your previous post: that's shitty
>>>> bread. I'd rather pay $7 and get a good loaf of bread.
>>> I'd rather have the expensive bread too, but income is a factor in these
>>> things as well.
>> Bake your own. Good bread at 'cheap bread' prices.
> Including energy& labor costs of cleaning dishes.
It's been years since I've regularly baked bread, but I always keep
yeast and 25LB's of flour on hand (depending on how much I've used) for
pizza dough, homemade desserts, etc. I might get back into it. The
only issue is time consuming.