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Sheldon Martin[_4_] Sheldon Martin[_4_] is offline
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Default Admiral's Feast (Red Lobster)

On Sat, 27 Mar 2021 12:06:42 -0400, Gary > wrote:

> bruce bowser wrote:
>> Everything was great, but you can't fry clams. You just can't.
>> Next time, boil, bake, steam, stew, but you just can't fry clams.
>> They're texture just isn't edible.

>Don't let your Red Lobster experience put you off on good fried clams.
>Cooked right, it's the best way to eat them, imo.
>Most restaurants use the large chowder clams and cut them into strips to
>be battered and fried. The large clams cost less.
>Those large clams are tough to start with and all you get is clam
>flavored breading on thin clam strips.
>For good fried clams, buy the smaller more expensive ones. Buy them live
>and open yourself with a knife.
>Then batter the WHOLE clam and deep fry in very hot oil. As soon as the
>breading gets browned, the clam is done. Only takes a minute or two to cook.
>Try it that way and you'll love them. Very juicy and tender along with a
>bit of browned batter.
>They're also decent steamed in shell just until the shell opens. Or
>opened with a knife to make clam chowder.

If you're going to the trouble of shucking a bushel of little necks
just slurp.

>The same also applies to fresh oysters.

Oysters are good breaded and fried but I like them better in an
authentic Thanksgiving caserole, sweet and fleshy like a 13 year old