Good dinner tonight 3/26/2021
On Sat, 27 Mar 2021 18:06:28 -0600, US Janet >
>On Sat, 27 Mar 2021 18:24:46 -0400, Boron Elgar
> wrote:
>>You are braver than I. I have never had what I consider a terrific
>>crop of corn. Something usually eats it before we do, or we have too
>>much rain, or the earwigs take up residence. I have sworn off growing
>You want to get seed for corn that specifcally states that there is
>tight leaf growth over the top of the cobs. Nasties can't get in
>Janet US
Raccoons. They are bold as brass here. I got a gander at one hanging
onto my kitchen window trying to reach a bird feeder. That was a
surprise to us both. Lot of things I cannot grow because of them.
Last summer I started closing the sliding doors to the deck as dusk
approached because the raccoons would come up on the deck and hang
around the screen.
Corn on the cob? Like mother's milk.....