Supper Ideas For Cabbage
> >> On Sat, 27 Mar 2021 11:53:06 -0400, Michael Trew >
> >> wrote:
> >>
> >>> I've got a couple medium size heads of cabbage in my refrigerator, and
> >>> I'm looking for something original to do with them for supper tonight.
> >>> Normally, I'll chop it up and fry it with bacon, or make Haluski with
> >>> egg noodles. I will probably go shopping today, but I do have kielbasa
> >>> in the refrigerator.
> >>>
> >>> Any good cabbage supper ideas?
Idea: Braised Cabbage
Use the list of ingredients from your favorite cabbage roll recipe. Toss the instructions.
Cut the cabbage into 4 thick slabs and arrange in a skillet. Layer the rest of the ingredients on top. Dot with butter.
Add about 1/4 inch water. Cover with a lid or foil. Set the lid on slightly ajar to allow steam to escape. Bring to a boil and then turn down the heat until it's just slightly bubbling.
About 30 minutes later, when all the water boils off, the sound will change from bubbling to hissing, indicating it is browning in the butter.
Remove all ingredients from the skillet into a serving bowl. Stir up any fond from the skillet with a little water or wine. Pour this pan sauce over the cabbage in the serving bowl.