Gorgeous AM in Da Lou!
On Mon, 29 Mar 2021 07:23:09 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>On 3/28/2021 11:33 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>> Of course it is. It's stupid. Aside from that, you'd be able to tell
>> the difference if you used killfiles and checked message headers.
>I check headers but the trolls are getting better with faking those.
They always use a server where they can be anonymous: Neodome or aioe.
Sometimes eternal september, but they don't allow you to nymshift
much, so with that one, they can only use one name, such as Pamela.
>I don't killfile anyone. Troll lives matter too.
Thieves matter too, but I'm not going to feed them.
>Not only that...trolls troll a lot but they also post valid info too.
Hitler was bad, but at least the trains ran on time.
>The trolls that you ignore also post here as someone else that you talk
>to. They aren't strangers showing up out of the blue.
>Real Bruce killfiled himself. Now he can't even see his own posts.
But I already know what I said.
The real Bruce posts with uni-berlin.de - individual.net