Gorgeous AM in Da Lou!
On Tue, 30 Mar 2021 05:06:13 +1100, Bruce >
>On Mon, 29 Mar 2021 07:23:09 -0400, Gary > wrote:
>>On 3/28/2021 11:33 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> Of course it is. It's stupid. Aside from that, you'd be able to tell
>>> the difference if you used killfiles and checked message headers.
>>I check headers but the trolls are getting better with faking those.
>They always use a server where they can be anonymous: Neodome or aioe.
Yeah, all the same servers YOU used to use until you got frogged
mercilessly. You hypocrite.
>Sometimes eternal september, but they don't allow you to nymshift
>much, so with that one, they can only use one name, such as Pamela.
Yeah, and you know this feature how? Because you nymshift YOURSELF,
regularly. You hypocrite.
>>Real Bruce killfiled himself. Now he can't even see his own posts.
>But I already know what I said.
Half of us already know what you're gonna say before you post it, too.
Intellectually you are not sophisticated at all, your psychology is
quite predicable.
Anyhow, enjoy the fruits of your years of trolling here. The frogging
of John John/Bruce/etc is permanent.