Thread: Creamed Corn
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Orlando Enrique Fiol Orlando Enrique Fiol is offline
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Default Creamed Corn

In article >,
>I have absolutely no idea where I learned how to make creamed corn.
>There are tons of recipes on the 'Net. I looked in all of my oldest
>cookbooks for the recipe I remember but couldn't find it. I'm
>guessing I got the recipe from Organic Farming and Gardening decades
>Set the cobs on end and slice downward with a sharp knife to cut the
>kernels off the cob. (doing it the old fashioned way, you would also
>scrape the back of your knife down the cob to release all the little
>bit of corn and juices left behind. This stuff is what originally
>made the corn dish 'creamy')
> That is the way that I originally made sweet corn.
>Now, I put a bit of butter in a pan (1 TBSP?), the corn tossed with
>maybe 1TBSP flour, S&P, 1/4 cup water and cook for a little bit and
>then add maybe 1 cup of cream. and cook to desired tenderness and
>thickness. Only add a teaspoon or so of sugar if your corn isn't very
>That's the best that I can do. I just cooked by rote yesterday and
>don't really remember exactly how much and when.

It would be far tastier to roast that corn, either in the oven, in a toaster
oven or in a smoking skillet, then add fresh chopped garlic, fresh ginger,
green chiles, cilantro, soy sauce, palm sugar and a dash of sesame oil at the
Orlando Enrique Fiol
Charlotte, North Carolina
Professional Pianist/Keyboardist, Percussionist and Pedagogue
Ph.D. in Music theory
University of Pennsylvania: November, 2018