Thread: You BITCH!! :-(
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BryanGSimmons BryanGSimmons is offline
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Posts: 395
Default You BITCH!! :-(

On 3/29/2021 7:39 PM, GM wrote:
> On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 7:21:50 PM UTC-5, Hank Rogers wrote:
>> GM wrote:
>>> On Monday, March 29, 2021 at 6:34:44 PM UTC-5, Alex wrote:
>>>> John Kuthe wrote:
>>>>> Someone here DID buy, but I tried to BUY IT BACK!!
>>>>> ****er! :-(
>>>>> John Kuthe, RN, BSN...
>>>> You can't buy back what you never owned. If is
>>>> trademarked you can try to get the owner to give it to you for free but
>>>> that will be a battle. You can make offers to buy websites. I bought
>>>> one of mine that way. Cost me a few thousand, but short names aren't
>>>> "cheep".
>>> Maybe he could pawn part of his roof to get the $$$ to buy it from Steve, lol...

>> But, he needs that majestic roof to fund his mayoral campaign, as
>> well as the church steeple at 3068 belerive.

> He could run for mayor of Lidsville:
> "Like predecessors H.R. Pufnstuf and The Bugaloos, Lidsville ran for only one season (1971€“1972), with reruns airing the following year (1972€“1973). Also like H.R. Pufnstuf, Lidsville's title and subject matter were often interpreted as references to drug use: the word "lid" is slang for a hat or cap (as in "flip your lid"), but "lid" is also early-1970s slang for an ounce of cannabis (marijuana).
> Like most children's television shows of its era, Lidsville contained a laugh track..."

When I was a teenager, an ounce was an ounce, 28g, whereas a "lid" was

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