Gary wrote:
> On 3/30/2021 8:49 PM, John Kuthe wrote:
>> Can you BELIEVE what assholes people are on the Internet?
>> Over on Rec.Foods.Cooking some ASSHOLE who goes byÂ* "Squertz" bought
>> the Domain Name, just to spite me!
>> Love, John...
> Steve is your friend. He'll sell you the domain name.
> My question is why the Subject line "Paul?"
> Did you ever see the movie, "Paul?" It was a lighthearted movie about
> a cool alien. I enjoyed it.
> I also saw a (new to me) movie last night.
> "Mule" starring and directed by Clint Eastwood.
> Might have been called "The Mule."
> That was a good one.
I think the dipshit was trying really hard to post in a different
forum.Â* Good thing he is only being paid to throw stuffed bears into a
laundry basket.