Maple Syrup and Smoked Bacon Scones
On Thu, 1 Apr 2021 11:32:43 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >
>On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 7:46:56 AM UTC-10, Boron Elgar wrote:
>> I hope they freeze, because I have 3 dozen smallish delights on the
>> cooling rack.
>It sounds good and I might even give it a try. Alas, I fear that I can no longer eat the same way I've been cooking and eating. It just makes me want to cry. Live it up boys, tomorrow we die!
A group of my high school friends all wound up in NYC. When we were in
our early 20s, before marrying, moving,and having kids, we all
gathered for raucous holiday meals.
Everyone was a great cook and we'd eat ourselves silly the whole day.
One member of the group was notorious for falling asleep at the table
at the end of the big meal and we'd all get a good laugh. We all
looked like reeds.
I cannot eat like that any more. I couldn't handle it digestively or
health-wise, and I would be the size of a horse within months. I miss
the friends, though, that is for sure.