Maple Syrup and Smoked Bacon Scones
On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 4:04:12 PM UTC-4, Boron Elgar wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Apr 2021 11:32:43 -0700 (PDT), dsi1 >
> wrote:
> >On Thursday, April 1, 2021 at 7:46:56 AM UTC-10, Boron Elgar wrote:
> >> I hope they freeze, because I have 3 dozen smallish delights on the
> >> cooling rack.
> >>
> >It sounds good and I might even give it a try. Alas, I fear that I can no longer eat the same way I've been cooking and eating. It just makes me want to cry. Live it up boys, tomorrow we die!
> A group of my high school friends all wound up in NYC. When we were in
> our early 20s, before marrying, moving,and having kids, we all
> gathered for raucous holiday meals.
> Everyone was a great cook and we'd eat ourselves silly the whole day.
> One member of the group was notorious for falling asleep at the table
> at the end of the big meal and we'd all get a good laugh. We all
> looked like reeds.
> I cannot eat like that any more. I couldn't handle it digestively or
> health-wise, and I would be the size of a horse within months. I miss
> the friends, though, that is for sure.
In Hawai'i for about a year, I was like that. Only it was a devil of a lot of drinking, instead.