Smelly garbage
Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Saturday, April 3, 2021 at 11:56:02 AM UTC-4, wrote:
>> When garbage pickup is several days away, I try not to put anything
>> in that would get stinky. The stro trays that chicken comes in,
>> with the absorbent thing in the bottom will get smelly, so I
>> microwave them before putting them in the garbage. That is all.
> The garbage can is like 100 feet away from the back door. I just
> don't care whether it's smelly or not.
> Cindy Hamilton
Exactly! Who gives a shit if the garbage stinks?
You put it out, and the garbage collectors are not phased. They are
used to smelling rotten, decayed shit. It's what they do, day in
and day out. It's an honorable profession.
Hell, even Popeye throws rotting garbage out his damn window, yet
even he doesn't complain about the stench.
Do you people wash turds before dropping them in the toilet and
flushing them ? Or spray with Febreeze?